A mixed-methods, longitudinal analysis of a novel telepsychiatry assessment, brief treatment, and referral clinic model
Matthew Hirschtritt, Stacy Sterling, Andrea Altschuler and Esti Iturralde | PRP | Ongoing
A mixed-methods, longitudinal analysis of a novel telepsychiatry assessment, brief treatment, and referral clinic model
Matthew Hirschtritt, Stacy Sterling, Andrea Altschuler and Esti Iturralde | PRP | Ongoing
An Organized Hepatitis B Surveillance Program increases Patient Identification and Optimizes Management
Krisna Chai, Joanna Ready, Andy Avins | RAU | Ongoing
Assessing adverse events and clinical outcomes in patients with multiple sclerosis on Rituximab versus biosimilar in a large racial-ethnically diverse community cohort
Mai Nguyen-Huynh, Jeffrey Klingman | PRP | Ongoing
Branch and Central Retinal Artery Occlusion - Natural History, Presentation Patterns, Associated Risk of Vascular Events, and Role of Thrombolysis in Management
Robin Vora, Mary Reed | RAU | Ongoing
Cancer outcomes with KPNC vs. national community averages: an overview study
Raymond Liu, Julie Schmittdiel | RAU | Ongoing
Comparative effectiveness of intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring (isCGM) vs. self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) among insulin-treated type 2 diabetes patients in Kaiser Permanente
Lisa Gilliam, Andrew Karter | DSGP | Ongoing
Crossing the Quality Chasm for Men Under 50 (CQCMU50)
Theodore Levin | PRP | Ongoing
De-implementation of Outdated Colonoscopy Surveillance Interval Recommendations Among Patients with Low-risk Adenomas (DESIRE)
T.R. Levin, Jeffrey Fox, Jeffrey Lee | DSGP | Ongoing
Development of a scalable and adaptable clinical workflow for machine learning (ML)-based suicide prevention in mental health care
Honor Hsin, Esti Iturralde, Vincent Liu, Stacy Sterling and Kristine Girard | DSGP | Ongoing
Development of a scalable and adaptable clinical workflow for machine learning (ML)-based suicide prevention in mental health care
Honor Hsin, Esti Iturralde, Vincent Liu, Stacy Sterling and Kristine Girard | DSGP | Ongoing
Early Developmental Screening and Treatment Engagement
Meghan Davignon, Cynthia Campbell | RAU | Ongoing
Effectiveness of telephonic wellness coaching on post-operative smoking cessation rates
Jafer Jeelani, Julie Schmittdiel | RAU | Ongoing
Evaluating active outreach to improve screening and treatment of tuberculosis infection
Jacek Skarbinksi | PRP | Ongoing
Evaluating patient engagement in "KP Connected Pregnancy Care" and its association with utilization and perinatal outcomes
Mara Greenberg, Monique Hedderson | DSGP | Ongoing
Evaluating the De-implemntation of Outdated Colonoscopy Surveillance Intervals in Patients with Low-risk Adenomas Regionwide (DESIRE 2)
Jeffrey Lee, Jeffrey Fox | DSGP | Ongoing
Evaluation of an Electronic Health Record-Based Risk Stratification Algorithm for Perioperative Medicine Triage
Brad Cohn, Vincent Liu | DSGP | Ongoing
Evaluation of Mental Heath Services Referrals and Utilization Among Pregnant Patients with ACEs and/or Low Resilience
Kelly Young-Wolff, Carey Watson | DSGP | Ongoing
Evaluation of the EmbrACE Intervention for Adults with a History of Adverse Childhood Experiences
Kathryn Erickson-Ridout, Lyndsay Avalos | DSGP | Ongoing
Evaluation of the EmbrACE Intervention for Adults with a History of Adverse Childhood Experiences
Kathryn Erickson-Ridout, Lyndsay Avalos | DSGP | Ongoing
Extending Intravenous Tenecteplase Beyond 4.5-hour Window for Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke
Mai Nguyen-Huynh, Jeff Klingman | DSGP | Ongoing
Gestational Diabetes Screening: Are Changes in Recommended Timing Associate with Perinatal Outcomes?
Assiamira Ferrara, Mara Greenberg | DSGP | Ongoing
Grasshopper: A Novel Clinical Dashboard for Radiologists
Vignesh Arasu, Jason Balkman | DSGP | Ongoing
Health care service use, costs, and family functioning among family members of individuals engaged in coordinated specialty care for early psychosis
Matthew Hirschtritt | PRP | Ongoing
HPV self-collection
Betty Suh-Burgmann | PRP | Ongoing
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Susanna Mitro, Mara Greenberg | DSGP | Ongoing
Identifying Best Practices of Early Phase Pediatric Eating Disorder Care
Josephine Lau, Stacy Sterling | DSGP | Ongoing
Impact of a population health program on bone health and fracture risk in prostate cancer patients treated with androgen deprivation therapy
Michael Shulman | RAU | Ongoing
Impact of vision screening on amblyopia diagnosis and treatment in a large and diverse pediatric population
Mara Greninger, Hélène Choquet | DSGP | Ongoing
Implementation and Evaluation of the Kaiser Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator (KPCRC) as a tool for shared-decision-making (SDM), among biopsy-naïve men
Joseph Presti | PRP | Ongoing
Improved Outcomes with Home-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation-Experience from a Large Integrated Heathcare System
Uma Vadlakonda, Mary Reed, Bradley Frueh | RAU | Ongoing
Improving antibiotic selection for urinary tract infection in the ambulatory setting
William Tu | RAU | Ongoing
Improving Care by Defining the Role of ElectroNic HealTh Record-Based Alerts In a Fully Integrated Health Care Delivery SYstem for Worsening Heart Failure (IDENTIFY-WHF)
Drew Ambrosy | DSGP | Ongoing
Improving Diagnostic Efficiency of Adult Neck Masses
Kevin Wang, Andy Avins | RAU | Ongoing
Improving health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs in individuals with Helicobacter pylori infection in a large, community-based population
Dan Li | PRP | Ongoing
Improving management of emergency department patients with undifferentiated syncope; prospective validation of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score
David R. Vinson, MD | PRP | Ongoing
Improving Multidisciplinary Care for Patients with Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer
Andrea Harztark | DSGP | Ongoing
Improving quality by TARGETing LDL using a systems-based approach to evaluate our current performance (TARGET-LDL)
Adam Rogers, Carlos Iribarren | DSGP | Ongoing
Improving Risk Stratification of Emergency Department Patients with Acute Heart Failure: Building and Testing a Machine-learning Platform for Personalized, Accurate, Real-time Risk Prediction
Dana Sax, Mary Reed | PRP | Ongoing
Improving safe transitions of care from the emergency department and hospital to outpatient setting through safe and effective medical management for patients with acute heart failure
Dana Sax | PRP | Ongoing
Improving Shared Decision Making for Prostate Cancer Screening through use of an E-visit
Joseph Presti, Andy Avins | DSGP | Ongoing
Incorporation of informed-decision making into the e-visit for PSA testing
Joseph Presti, Andy Avins | DSGP | Ongoing
Kaiser Permanente Accelerate for Depression (KPX-D) Treatment Track Outcomes
Samuel Ridout, Ai Kubo | DSGP | Ongoing
Laying the foundation for building a resilient KPNC community in the face of worsening air quality due to wildfire smoke
Laura Myers, Mary Meyer | DSGP | Ongoing
Lung cancer risk of small incidental pulmonary nodules
Thomas Urbania | RAU | Ongoing
Making the right thing easy to do: automatic risk stratification for hospital-acquired thromboembolism
Elad Neeman | DSGP | Ongoing
Naturalistic longitudinal examination of electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and intravenous ketamine for treatment-resistant depression in a large integrated healthcare system
Kevin Li , Esti Iturralde | DSGP | Ongoing
Optimization of a team-based care model for depression in psychiatry and evaluation of the Achieving Depression and Anxiety Patient-Centered Treatment (ADAPT PLUS) program as a model for immediate care delivery to outpatients with depression and anxiety
Kathryn Erickson-Ridout, Constance Weisner, Esti Iturralde | PRP | Ongoing
Optimizing Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surveillance and Intervention to Prevent Rupture
Robert Chang, MD | PRP | Ongoing
Optimizing Management of Valvular Heart Disease
Matthew Solomon, MD, PhD | PRP | Ongoing
Outcomes of telemedicine in Ophthalmology
I-Hui (Elaine) Wu, Mary Reed | RAU | Ongoing
Perioperative VTE risk in total joint patients who had COVID-19
John Cox, Andy Avins, Lusine Gigoyan | RAU | Ongoing
Polygenic Risk Score and Early-onset Coronary Heart Disease in the GERA Cohort
Jamal Rana, Carlos Iribarren | TAP | Ongoing
Population management for schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder utilizing trained psychiatric pharmacists
Lisa Fazzolari, Esti Iturralde | DSGP | Ongoing
Population Management of Post Bariatric Surgery Patients to Prevent Micronutrient Deficiencies
Helene Choquet, Sanjoy Dutta | DSGP | Ongoing
Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-Cov-2 Infection (PASC) in Adult KPNC Members
Mary Reed, Dustin Ballard | DSGP | Ongoing
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Prevalence and Healthcare Utilization in a Large, Integrated Healthcare System
Kelly Young-Wolff, Barney Vaughan | TAP | Ongoing
PREDICT PCCC: PREDICTing Post Colonoscopy Colorectal Cancer
T.R. Levin, Jeffrey Lee, Vincent Liu, Charles Quesenberry, Oleg Sofrygin | PRP | Ongoing
Predicting Serious Colonic Growths to Risk Stratify People Coming Due for Surveillance Colonoscopy
TR Levin | PRP | Ongoing
Predictive Analytics for Newborn Bilirubin Management
Michael Kuzniewicz, Dan Brugger | DSGP | Ongoing
Prospective Evaluation of Mammography AI to Improve Cancer Detection and Result Efficiency
Vignesh Arasu | PRP | Ongoing
Reducing infectious complications in patients with acute myeloid leukemia
Sumanth Rajagopal, Jacek Skarbinski | DSGP | Ongoing
Reducing Variation in Hospitalization and Processes of Care in Emergency Department Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial
David Vinson, Mary Reed | DSGP | Ongoing
Risk Factors Associated with Presentation with Cutaneous Melanoma (CM) with Regional or Distant Metastases
Kenneth Katz | CB | Ongoing
Risk of Pancreatic Cancer in Indeterminate Pancreatic Cysts
Elanor Ormsby, Marilyn Kwan | RAU | Ongoing
Risk-stratified care for KPNC members with newly diagnosed diabtes: A randomized trial
Lisa Gilliam, Anjali Gopalan | DSGP | Ongoing
Safety and Efficacy of Corticosteroid Choice in Trigger Finger Injection
Todd Theman, Julie Schmittdiel | RAU | Ongoing
Safety of SGLT2 antagonist use in the periop / periprocedural period for non-emergent interventions.
Bradley Cohn, Julie Schmittdiel | RAU | Ongoing
Sexual Health E-visit as a Tool to Improve Access to Prevention and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Jacek Skarbinski, Amanda Thornton, Dana Clutter | DSGP | Ongoing
Skin Cancer Screening in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
David Lee, Marilyn Kwan | RAU | Ongoing
Social Expression in the Treatment of Gender Dysphoria: Longitudinal Outcomes from a Novel Gender Expression Care Program
Andrew Avins, Grace Firtch | DSGP | Ongoing
Strategies to Tailor Existing Interventions for Depression During Pregnancy
Kathryn Erickson-Ridout | PRP | Ongoing
Testing a new population management model for hypoglycemia prevention in high-risk KPNC members
Lisa Gilliam, Richard Grant | DSGP | Ongoing
The Burden of Mohs Surgery Utilization in the Last 1, 3, and 5 Years of Life Among Kaiser Permanente Members with a Diagnosis of Basal Cell Carcinoma
Sandra Bendeck-Rydell, Megan M. Moore | CB | Ongoing
The Kaiser Permanente Cardiovascular Health Enhancement and Monitoring for Oncology (KP CHEMO) study
Samir Thadani, Andrew Ambrosy | DSGP | Ongoing
Trends in the use of computed tomographic cerebral angiography for emergency department patients with headache
Dustin Mark, Mary Reed | RAU | Ongoing
Understanding the Risk of Advanced Colorectal Neoplasia in Patients with 3-4 Non-advanced Adenomas Compared to Those with 1-2 Non-advanced Adenomas
Jeff Lee, Theodore Levin | DSGP | Ongoing
Use and outcomes of intrapleural fibrinolytic therapy for complicated parapneumonic pleural effusion and empyema in Kaiser Permanente Northern California
Eduardo Solbes, Laura Myers | DSGP | Ongoing
Validation of a Novel Algorithm for Emergency Department Patients with Possible Acute Coronary Syndromes Following the Transition to a High-Sensitivity Troponin Assay
Dustin Mark, Mary Reed | DSGP | Ongoing
Validation of risk models used for recommending high risk MRI screening
Vignesh Arasu | DSGP | Ongoing
Variance in management and outcomes among patients with severe hyponatremia
Dustin Mark, Mary Reed | RAU | Ongoing
What factors affect time to surgery for lung cancer and moderate its associations with patient outcomes?
Jeffrey Velotta, Lori Sakoda | DSGP | Ongoing
Yearly corticosteroid burden of patients receiving spinal corticosteroid injections
Mamie Air, Julie Schmittdiel, Michael Hartmann | RAU | Ongoing
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