Risk Factors Associated with Presentation with Cutaneous Melanoma (CM) with Regional or Distant Metastases
Kenneth Katz | CB | Ongoing
Risk Factors Associated with Presentation with Cutaneous Melanoma (CM) with Regional or Distant Metastases
Kenneth Katz | CH | Ongoing
Skin Cancer Screening in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
David Lee, Marilyn Kwan | RAU | Ongoing
The Burden of Mohs Surgery Utilization in the Last 1, 3, and 5 Years of Life Among Kaiser Permanente Members with a Diagnosis of Basal Cell Carcinoma
Sandra Bendeck-Rydell, Megan M. Moore | CB | Ongoing
The Burden of Mohs Surgery Utilization in the Last 1, 3, and 5 Years of Life Among Kaiser Permanente Members with a Diagnosis of Basal Cell Carcinoma
Sandra Bendeck Rydell | CH | Ongoing
A prediction score model to identify the risk of subsequent keratinocytic carcinomas
Shabnam Madani | CH | Completed
Autoimmune Connective Tissue Disease and the Risk of Skin Cancer
Gunawardane, Nilanthi D | CH | Completed
Comparison of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidality in Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Psoriasis and the Effect of Mental Health Comorbidity on Care Utilization
Barbara Garcia, MD | CH | Completed
Determining efficacy of laser hair reduction in the management of Hidradenitis Suppurativa.
Akhil Wadhera, MD | CH | Completed
Effect of availability of at-home phototherapy on the use of systemic medications for psoriasis
James Click, Amy Alabaster, Debbie Postlethwaite | CH | Completed
Epidemiologic Analysis of Chilblains Eruptions at the time of COVID19
Patrick McCleskey. Lisa Herrinton | RAU | Completed | View Summary
Epidemiologic Trends in Pediatric Tinea Capitis- Data from the Northern California Kaiser Permanente Group
Paradi Mirmirani | CH | Completed
Evaluation of melanoma severity at time of diagnosis prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic in a multicenter health maintenance organization
Peter Young | CH | Completed
Multiple primary malignant melanomas: Incidence, characteristics, and risk factors
Megan Moore | CH | Completed
Optimizing Acne Care: What is the Impact of Isotretinoin?
Veena Vanchinathan, Andy Avins | RAU | Completed | View Summary
Prediction model for successful use of home narrow band ultraviolet B light for psoriasis
Katz, Ken MD | CH | Completed
Skin cancer diagnostic accuracy by physician assistants and dermatologists in a large multi-center health system before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Peter A. Young, PA | CH | Completed
Skin Disorders Associated With Obesity in Children and Adolescents
Paradi Mirmirani | CH | Completed
Tele-dermatology and care processes
Sangeeta Marwaha, Lisa Herrinton | RAU | Completed
Tele-dermatology to diagnose rash
Sangeeta Marwaha, Lisa Herrinton | DSGP | Completed | View Summary
The Association of Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia and Other Fibrotic Disorders
Aman Samrao | CH | Completed
Through the (Virtual) Looking Glass: A Novel Comparative Analysis of Asynchronous vs Synchronous Acne Care Within Kaiser Permanente Northern California.
Veena Vanchinathan | CH | Completed
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