​​​​​​​​​​​​​Getting Started With Research

Where Do I Start?

It's great you are interested in conducting research with a goal of improving care!

Our team is here to help support development of your idea, and to provide information regarding different ways of advancing your potential project, ultimately connecting ideas and researchers with the most appropriate mechanism.

All DARE supported projects require approval from the specialty chair of chiefs and the specialty's relevant TPMG Associate Executive Director(s) and must be identified as being in a high priority area.

Take the First Step  

Are you new to research or need a refresher? The Getting Started with Research PowerPoint is your guide for understanding the research process from start to finish. We encourage you to take the 3-part research education and training available on KP Learn.

Your Local Research Chairs (LRC), Specialty Research Networks and other experienced Investigators are available to help point you in the right direction and answer any questions you may have including, helping to:

  • Formulate your research question
  • Identify collaborators
  • Get connected to resources
Engage with your LRC and other experienced researchers early! Note: Community Health applicants must contact LRC prior to application submission. LRC FAQs for CRC Community Health Program Applicants

      A Look Inside the Research Help Links 

      The Research Help Links have been curated​ with you in mind and contain answers to frequently asked questions. Here's a snapshot of what you can find: