ACEs, Resilience, and Mental Health Support in Obstetric Care
Carey Watson | CH | Completed
ADHD Medication Adherence in the Transition to Adulthood: Disparities and Associated Adverse Outcomes
Kavitha Rao | CH | Completed
Alcohol-Related Care and HCV Treatment among Patients with Problematic Alcohol Use and HCV
Campbell, Cynthia PhD | CH | Completed
An analysis of predictors of long-term benzodiazepine use
Daniel Saal, Cynthia Campbell | CH | Completed
Are there race-based disparities in the delivery of geriatric care for cognitively impaired patients that present to the ER in the KPNC service area?
Sophia Chen and Drew Maygren | CH | Completed
Are there race-based disparities in the delivery of memory care for cognitively impaired geriatric patients that present to the emergency department in Kaiser Permanente Northern California?
Sophia Chen | CH | Completed
Assessing Outcomes of Implementing an Evidence-Based Patient Activation and Patient Portal Intervention Linking Addiction Medicine and Primary Care
Anthony Boyce | CH | Completed
Clinical, demographic, and referral pattern characteristics of 'Connect to Care' (C2C) outpatients
Matthew Hirschtritt, Stacy Sterling | TAP | Completed | View Summary
Comparison of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidality in Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Psoriasis and the Effect of Mental Health Comorbidity on Care Utilization
Barbara Garcia, Akhil Wadhera | CH | Completed
Continuation of Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy Lowers Risk of Postpartum Depression
Kathryn Ridout, Lyndsay Avalos | PRP | Completed | View Summary
Demographic, Clinical, and Service Utilization Factors Associated with Follow up after Discharge from Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Ninad Athale | CH | Completed
Diabetes Management in Addiction Medicine
Esti Iturralde | CH | Completed
Electroconvulsive therapy, anesthetic choice, and real-world patient outcomes
Kevin Li, Esti Iturralde | TAP | Completed | View Summary
Evaluating delivery of a centralized LINKAGE telehealth modality to engage Addiction Medicine and Recovery Services patients across Northern California with their medical providers
Verena Metz | CH | Completed
Evaluating novel methods for mental health care that optimize quality and access, including communities with historical challenges in care
Matthew Hirschtritt | PRP | Completed
Evaluation of the Achieving Depression and Anxiety Patient Centered Treatment (ADAPT PLUS) Program as a model for immediate care delivery to outpatients with depression and anxiety
Kathryn Erickson-Ridout, Connie Weisner. Esti Iturralde, Samuel Ridout | DSGP | Completed | View Summary
Identifying Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) Use References Within Free-Text Data Fields in the Electronic Health Record
Renee Fogelberg, Kelly Young-Wolff | TAP | Completed
Integration of mobile health (mHealth) based interventions in mental health
Samuel Ridout, Cynthia Campbell, Theresa Lin, Kathryn Ridout and Honor Hsin | RAU | Completed | View Summary
Ketamine and treatment resistant depression (proposal support)
Steven Hamilton, Andy Avins | RAU | Completed
Mental Health Service Demand in the face of COVID-19
Kathryn Ridout, Esti Iturralde | RAU | Completed | View Summary
Metformin to Prevent Diabetes Among Patients with Severe Mental Illness: Treatment Gaps and Implementation Barriers
Estibaliz Iturralde | CH | Completed
mHealth Mindfulness Intervention for Women with Prenatal Depression: a Feasibility Study
Ai Kubo | CH | Completed
Patterns and Impact of Chemical Restraint Use for Patients in the Emergency Department Presenting with Acute Psychiatric Distress
Suzanne Lippert | CH | Completed
Patterns and Impact of Restraint Use for Patients in the Emergency Department Presenting with Acute Psychiatric Distress
Suzanne Lippert | CH | Completed
Prenatal Depression and Its Treatment: Effects on Child Speech and Language Disorders
Lyndsay Avalos | CH | Completed
The association between ERAS implementation and changes in post-discharge opioid use
Derrick Lee, Andy Avins | RAU | Completed | View Summary
The impact of ACEs and resilience on Obstetric health outcomes
Carey Watson, Cynthia Campbell | RAU | Completed | View Summary
The Impact of COVID-19 on Post-Injury Psychiatric Disorders following mild Traumatic Brain Injuries in the Pediatric Population
Brian Theodore | CH | Completed
Trends in Incidence of Psychotic Disorders Among Different Racial and Ethnic Groups
Winston Chung | CH | Completed
Wellness coaching during pregnancy and maternal weight outcomes
Sylvia Badon | CH | Completed
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