Adolescent Gender Identity Screening in Primary Care Visits
Josephine Lau | CH | Completed
Adverse Outcomes in Infants with Mild Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
Vishnu-Priya Akula | CH | Completed
Associations Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health Services Utilization in the Pediatric Population Aged 1 to 5 Years
Judy Lin | CH | Completed
Associations between Glycemic Control Trajectories among Individuals with Gestational Diabetes and Obesity Risk and Growth Trajectories in the Offspring
Rana Chehab | CH | Completed
Delivery of Contraception to Adolescents: How are we doing with Long-Acting Reversible Contraception
Josephine Lau | CH | Completed
Delivery of Inpatient Pediatric Eating Disorder Care in a Large Integrated Health Care Delivery System
Josephine Lau, Julie Schmittdiel | RAU | Completed | View Summary
Epidemiology of and Risk Factors for Nontyphoidal Salmonella Bacteremia in Children
Tara Greenhow | CH | Completed
Epidemiology of Serious Bacterial Infections in Premature Infants 7 – 90 days
Tara Greenhow | CH | Completed
Evaluation of More Than Words Program at KPNC
Meghan Davignon, Lisa Croen | DSGP | Completed | View Summary
Healthcare transition outcomes among autistic youth at KPNC
Jennifer Ames | CH | Completed
Implementation of Evidence-Based Surgery for Pediatric Hernia Repair
Albert Chong, Lisa Herrinton | RAU | Completed | View Summary
Improving Post-Discharge Bilirubin Management in Newborns
Michael Kuzniewicz | CH | Completed
Incidence rate of and risk factors associated with neonatal herpes simplex virus infection
Tara Greenhow | CH | Completed
Isolated subconjectival Hemorrhages in infants and young children
Tricia Tayama, Michele Evans, Kelly Young-Wolff | CH | Completed
Isolated Subconjunctival Hemorrhages in Infants and Young Children
Tricia Tayama | CH | Completed
Live, Online Prenatal Education: Association with Exclusive and Partial Breastfeeding Duration at an Urban Community Hospital
Julia Gabhart | CH | Completed
Long-term Circumcision Outcomes: Investigation of factors that increase need for circumcision revision
Fox, Stephanie MD | CH | Completed
Outcomes Following Policy-Mandated Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Admissions for Healthy Infants Born at 350/7-366/7Weeks Gestation
Andrea Wikremasinghe | CH | Completed
Outcomes of laparoscopic pediatric hernia repair compared with the open approach
Albert Chong, Lisa Herrinton | RAU | Completed | View Summary
Pediatric Obesity and Weight Tracking in the Get Healthy Action Plan (GHAP) Population
Dewey Woo, Joan Lo | TAP | Completed
Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Predictive Modeling to Streamline Care
Mustafa Bseikri, Elizabeth Feliciano | DSGP | Completed | View Summary
Pediatric respiratory illnesses in the post-COVID era: illness epidemiology, emergency department care and outcomes
Mamata Kene | CH | Completed
Performance Characteristics of a New Algorithm for the Evaluation and Management of Febrile Young Infants
Beverly Young, Tara Greenhow | CH | Completed
Predictors of Serious Bacterial Infection and Invasive Bacterial Infection in Febrile Infants 7-60 Days Old
Beverly Young. Tara Greenhow | CH | Completed
Prenatal Depression and Its Treatment: Effects on Child Speech and Language Disorders
Lyndsay Avalos | CH | Completed
Proposal for evaluation of an asthma sensor system
Imran Junaid, Tracy Lieu | RAU | Completed
Protective effect of prior flu vaccinations against Covid-19 infection
Stephanie Lowe | CH | Completed
Reducing Blood Culture Contamination and Subsequent Healthcare Reutilization in Pediatrics
Kelsey Childress, Marilyn Kwan, Michael Hartmann | RAU | Completed | View Summary
Risk factors for serious infection and the management of young infants with hypothermia
Tran Nguyen | CH | Completed
Risk of Diabetes in Youth with Prediabetes
Francis Hoe | CH | Completed
Screening for adverse childhood experiences in pediatric primary care
Paul Espinas, Stacy Sterling | DSGP | Completed
The Impact of COVID-19 on Post-Injury Psychiatric Disorders following mild Traumatic Brain Injuries in the Pediatric Population
Brian Theodore | CH | Completed
The Impact of Treating Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) on Health Care Utilization
Mustafa Bseikri | CH | Completed
Use of a modified Eat, Sleep, Console tool for management of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Lisa Chyi, Michael Kuzniewicz | DSGP | Completed | View Summary
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