​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Ongoing and Completed Projects Supported​ by DARE and Community Health Grants

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine


​Evaluation of a Novel Gender Expression Care Program
Grace Firtch | CH | Completed

Association Between Injected Corticosteroids and Risk for Influenza and COVID-19
Joshua Rittenberg, Julie Schmittdiel | RAU | Completed | View Summary

Engagement of Patients and Family Caregivers through the use of mHealth
Megan Frantz MD | CH | Completed

Escoje Salud (Choose Health) Effects and Sustainability of a Chronic Pain Self-Management program in Middle to Older age Hispanic Americans
Amy Gladin | CH | Completed

Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the Pediatric Population
Richard Delmonico | CH | Completed


Social Expression in the Treatment of Gender Dysphoria: Longitudinal Outcomes from a Novel Gender Expression Care Program
Andrew Avins, Grace Firtch | DSGP | Ongoing

Yearly corticosteroid burden of patients receiving spinal corticosteroid injections
Mamie Air, Julie Schmittdiel, Michael Hartmann | RAU | Ongoing