The Clinical Research on Emergency Services & Treatments (CREST) Network is a multi-center collaborative network at Kaiser Permanente that encourages, enables, and executes research in emergency medicine. Its goals are to support a cooperative platform for the emergency medicine research community, encourage quality research in emergency medicine, and disseminate evidence-based knowledge to refine current community emergency care standards. To learn more about ongoing projects not funded by DARE visit the CREST Network Publications Page.
Physicians Involved in Research

Dustin Ballard, MD, MBE
San Rafael Medical Center

Sean Bouvet, MD
Antioch and Walnut Creek Medical Centers

Scott Casey, MD, MS
Vallejo and Vacaville

Ed Durant, MD, MPH
Modesto and Manteca Medical Centers

Xiao Han, MD
Walnut Creek and Antioch Medical Centers

Erik Hofmann, MD, MS
South Sacramento Medical Center

Mamata Kene, MD, MPH
Fremont and San Leandro Medical Centers

James Lin, MD
Santa Clara Medical Center

Dustin Mark, MD
Oakland and Richmond Medical Centers

Luke Poth, MD
South San Francisco Medical Center

Khalid Ramahi, MD
San Jose Medical Center

Richard Reid, MD
San Jose Medical Center

Dana Sax, MD, MPH
Oakland and Richmond Medical Centers

David R. Vinson, MD
Roseville and Sacramento Medical Centers